Last week, the European Commission published its
long-awaited package on Circular Economy. Appraisals across the internet differ.
For some the glass is quite empty, whereas others see it at least half full. [i]
The ambition level, especially in the quantified waste
targets in the legislation accompanying the package, is lower than last year’s
repealed proposal. The 2014 package called for a 70% recycling target for
municipal waste for 2030, and a total ban on landfill for all recoverable and
reusable waste. These have been watered down to a 65% recycling target for municipal waste (75% of packaging waste), and landfilling to be reduced to a maximum of
10% of all waste by 2030.
These are the most eye-catching elements of the package.The
Action Plan includes further proposed or planned action, but the waste
proposals are the only legislation.
So, let’s have a look at a couple of reactions:
EEB, by mouth of Stephane Arditi, its waste policy
coordinator, is worried the package pretends to have high ambitions and lots of
good intentions, but doesn’t really envisage a process that will transform it
into concrete action. He is however, still optimistic and believes there are
good positive signs and that the way forward will be to combine business and
environment opportunities.[ii]
The group of Christian Democrats in the European Parliament
(EPP) might be happy with the package, as it is as they wanted:
regulation-light, market-driven.[iii]
But Finnish EPP member Sirpa Pietikäinen told EurActiv that she was ‘struggling
to find what is more ambitious in the new package’.
And the Alliance for Circular Economy Solutions (consisting
of frontrunner business groups and several European environmental thinktanks)
has calculated that this proposal makes for less jobs than the previous one.[iv]

Compared to previous
to last year’s Circular Economy package, which was meant as
Commissioner Potoćnik's cornerstone in the implementation of his
ambitious Roadmap towards a Resource Efficient
Europe (REE), this new package offers a mixed picture. Let's call into
mind the vision of the REE Roadmap, published in 2011:
By 2050 the EU's
economy has grown in a way that respects resource constraints and planetary
boundaries, thus contributing to global economic transformation. Our economy is
competitive, inclusive and provides a high standard of living with much lower
environmental impacts. All resources are sustainably managed, from raw
materials to energy, water, air, land and soil. Climate change milestones have
been reached, while biodiversity and the ecosystem services it underpins have
been protected, valued and substantially restored - Roadmap towards a Resource
Efficient Europe, 2011[v]
The REE Roadmap set milestones for 2020 for each type of resource or key
issue, and tried to further operationalise these in intended or proposed
actions for both Commission and Member States. As the Roadmap aimed at
encompassing all relevant policy initiatives, it also included things that were
actually already planned or underway (in the framework of Waste, air, water
policy, REACH, etc).
Sad to say, on many intended actions or ideas included in
the REE Roadmap, progress has yet to be seen (e.g. on implementing environmental
footprints, widening ecodesign to include material efficiency, tackling barriers to eco-innovation,
phasing out of environmentally harmful subsidies), whereas progress on others
has not yet been measured (e.g. redirecting research and cohesion funding).
Member States, local and regional authorities have started to take action on
some of the proposed initiatives, but as there is no binding target and no
benchmark, nor a timeline to check progress, this is all very vague. Finally, assessing
overall progress across the EU has not been possible, because the EU2020
Strategy reviews do not include resource efficiency. Only recently have we seen
attempts by the Commission to assess this through the Annual Growth Survey. So
progress on this admittedly very complex topic is fragmented, sometimes
difficult, and it is not even very clear whether the REE Roadmap is the chief inspiration
behind all the individual efforts.
This unsatisfactory situation is of course what EEB’s Arditi had in
mind when he talked about good intentions.
In an attempt to remedy this, the Circular Economy package
was proposed in July 2014. And after its
repeal last year by the new Commission, and subsequent overhaul, this is where
we are. The Communication actually retables several ideas already floated in
the REE Roadmap, like those on Ecodesign, food waste, construction, sustainable
consumption. However, on quite a few instances, the new package is more
focussed and more action-oriented than both the previous one and the REE Roadmap, as it has a
timetable and some Commission actions have been formulated in stronger terms
than before.
Elements in the
The package is so extensive that it is not feasible to
discuss all of the elements it proposes or identifies for further action.Here
are a coupleof the eyecatching ones:
On the waste side, there is progress, with
targets for recycling and landfilling,
though less ambitious than was hoped for; though recycling targets could have
been set higher. But in one of the accompanying documents, the Commission shows
how it has weighed different options against each other, and that we need to bear
in mind that the feasibility of these targets is not equal across Member States;
Further encouragement of waste prevention; this is however left to the Member States and
remains rather weak;
simplified and improved definitions and harmonised calculation
methods for recycling rates throughout the EU (this will increase uniformity
and clarity, while saving implementation costs);
documents for several industrial sectors will be adapted to include ‘guidance
on circular economy’; this is promising, yet still rather vague;
will be developed: for secondary raw materials (esp. plastics); for material-efficient
recycling of WEEE and batteries; important and useful to increase the quality and efficiency of recycling across the EU;
Product requirements relevant to the circular
economy (i.e. on repairability, recyclability, etc) will be included in the Ecodesign Directive; however, we will
have to wait for the Ecodesign working plan for 2015-2017 to see how this will play
an independent testing programme under Horizon
2020 to help the identification of issues related to possible planned obsolescence (effectiveness
will hugely depend on how this is undertaken, but it is an interesting new
strand of research);
action on Green
Public Procurement (GPP), by emphasising circular economy aspects in new or
revised criteria, and leading by example in its own procurement and in EU
funding (this is new, under the previous Commission this was not actively
undertaken or even considered).
For further implementation of the many strands
of the action plan, the Commission promises to create platforms, develop guidance
pilots and targeted outreach. These could be helpful as accompanying measures.
What is still lacking, is demand-side policy, market
instruments, setting the prices right, etc. However, as we all know, the
Commission’s hands are tied, as these instruments require unanimity (which is
not forthcoming). So the Commission cannot do much else than encourage or promote
the use of these instruments.
Potential boost from society
So will this package fare better than the previous plans? What potentially will give this a boost now, as was not the
case in 2011, is the fact that frontrunner business organisations are now
pushing this agenda [vi] and
there are many ‘circular’ initiatives and business models that have meanwhile
sprung up.
There is larger public interested in more sustainable
consumption: organic food sales have gone up, more and more restaurants are
putting organic on the menu, there is an interest on declaring a war on waste,[vii]
vegetarianism is becoming more accepted and available in shops and restaurants,
as is more sustainable or ‘circular’ clothing[viii],
there is increased demand for sharing and leasing instead of buying tools,
cars, etc.
Don’t we need legislation,
because all the rest is just ‘good intentions’?
There is indeed a need for legislation, but also of implementation
of legislation that is already there, which requires sronger involvement of all
levels of government, as well as business and society. These can be further
increased by applying carrot & stick approaches, by co-financing investment
in R&D. The Communication includes many of these elements. This package
potentially has the tools.
We count on
And now it is up to the whole Commission, not just
Vella, to drive implementation. In industrial symbiosis, ecodesign, empowering
the consumer, and boosting demand for material-efficient, circular products and
the Economy cannot just be the responsibility of Commissioner Vella. We count
on Commission Vice-president Timmermans to make his professed ‘firm belief’ in
the circular economy heard across DGs, and his stronger ambition has to be echoed
throughout the whole institution. Only then will we see proposed actions on sustainable
production and consumption, that for a long time seem to have been stalled by
DG GROW, make certain progress.
What’s next
Next, it will be up to Parliament and Council to support or even strengthen the proposed actions and targets. Business organisations
should put pressure on DGGROW and Economic Affairs ministers to support the Action
Experts negotiating on ecodesign and waste will have to demand ambitious
working plans and targets (or at least not water down what the Commission puts
on the table). Increasing
cooperation between local governments, societal groups, and circular businesses, and redirecting funds for green innovation and investments, is a good
idea for all those controlling purse strings. And of course, business can take
its own responsibility for its side of the action plan.
So, I take the action plan and its timetable as a starting
point for concerted action. See you in the Circular Economy!
Ilia Neudecker - Foxgloves Consultancy – Towards a
sustainable Europe
[vi] In the
UK, theAldersgate Group:
In the Netherlands, de Groene Zaak:
In Germany, Unternehmensgrün:
[vii] UK
chef Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, and his War on Waste:
[viii] Amsterdam-based
ngo-cum-business network, Strawberry Earth, is particularly encouraging, as it
aims at trendy young people:
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